The dissemination of technological information is one of the key functions of APCTT. 

Asia-Pacific Tech Monitor

Published since 1983, the Asia-Pacific Tech Monitor has been the flagship publication of APCTT. Tech Monitor is a web-based, on-line, quarterly (four issues per year) periodical featuring articles which provide up-to-date information on trends in technology development and transfer, technology policies and related issues, and new products and processes in Asia and the Pacific. Each issue of Tech Monitor focuses on a special theme and features articles written by authors/experts of national and international repute mainly from the Asia-Pacific region. The Tech Monitor articles present trends in technology transfer and development, technology policies, market, data and analysis with respect to relevant issues, case studies, best practices and innovative technologies.

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Archived Periodicals
Value Added Technology Information Service (VATIS)

Note: This periodicals has been discontinued in 2017. However, archived versions of the VATIS newsletter are available at the link below. 

The VATIS Update periodicals were published since 1993, on several topics namely, Biotechnology, Food Processing, New and Renewable Energy, Ozone Layer Protection and Waste Management. These periodicals were aimed at disseminating information on latest technological innovations, technology policies and market related developments, recent publications and events taking place around the world. The key features of the VATIS Update series were the packaging of information in a capsule form and the facilitation of direct access to the information sources.

The VATIS periodicals have been discontinued as recommended by the twelfth and thirteenth Governing Council sessions of APCTT. For previous issues of VATIS periodicals, please click here.