Web Video Phone
This Web Video Phone (WVP) is the first telephone in the world that combines all currently available communication methods. The WVP users can send and receive E-mail messages, surf through Internet, see their friends while talking on the phone, and enjoy many other options. WVP is also smart enough to be connected to a personal computer (PC). The important feature of WVP is that it allows dialing phone calls virtually free. It connects the calls through the Internet, which is free, thus allowing its users to save up to 100% on their phone bills, including long distance and international calls. WVP provides real time video calls through the Internet and plain-old telephone service. The party being called does not have to have the same terminal to make video calls. WVP provides interoperability to any PCs, e.g. NetMeeting, or other terminals that support the standard protocols, H.323 and H.324. With this compatibility, WVP allows users to experience a higher level of communication. Contact details: Terry Lee - Strategic Trading Division Samsung Corporation, Taepyung-Ro Bldg., 310 2-ka Taepyung-Ro, Chung-Ku, Seoul 100 102, Korea. TeL: +(82-2) 3706 1263 Fax: +(82-2) 3706 1312 Email: [email protected]"
Sector: Media Technologies
Country: Republic of Korea
Area of Application: WVP is perfectly suitable for various applications, such as Home Banking, Hospitality and Healthcare applications, and many more. It allows the user to keep up with the latest information while on the road, to save trips to the hospitals, work place, to do home banking/shopping with a card reader, and can be used for many other applications.
Keywords: phone, internet, call, video, web
Advantages: - Easy to use, like an ordinary telephone; - Easy to use touch screen menu provides a convenient interface for switching between different applications such as video phone, Internet and E-mail access, electronic commerce, and many more; - Large retractable keyboard for sending E-mail messages; - The first videophone that provides H.323 interoperability.
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Transfer Terms: Technology Licensing , Equipment Supply
Target Countries: World Wide
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Contact Person: APCTT (UNESCAP)
Address: Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT) C-2, Qutab Institutional Area
City: New Delhi
Country: India
Zip/Pin Code: 110016

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