Consultancy Services for Product Modification and Development of Better Production Methods
Innova Research Centre Private Limited is a R&D company dedicated for developing new products, methods and processes. Once a new product is developed, Innova Research Centre, on its own risk, will manufacture and sell the same in very small scale for technical and market studies. If the results of the above studies are found quite promising, the company will develop an appropriate technology for economically manufacturing the above development (product) in large scale. After that, the technology (production knowhow, large scale production machinery and production training) of the same will be provided to a party on turn-key basis exclusively or otherwise depending on the nature of technology. The present status of Innova Research Centre •India’s smallest and the youngest multi-disciplinary R&D unit with achievements comparable with many of the best ones of its kind. •Developed more than 200 products, processes and methods in a span of four years. •Received three national awards (government of India) for inventing and commercializing three products. •Complete technology of more than eighteen developments (products) are now ready for commercialization (see technology offer under food, machinery & equipment, pharmaceuticals and medical technologies). •A good number of innovations that can create large scale employment and substantial growth in rural areas are under various stages of development. In addition to the above, Innova Research Centre will provide consultancy services or R&D supports to industries to upgrade their products or process of production.
Sector: Consultancy and Other Services
Country: India
Area of Application: All industrial areas where innovations are required
Keywords: Consultancy and R&D Services
Advantages: Reduces in-house R&D expenses
Environmental aspects:  
Development Status: Idea
Legal Protection:  
Technical specifications: Industrial innovations and related consultancy services
Transfer Terms: Consultancy , Technical Services , Turnkey
Target Countries: India
Estimated cost (US$):  
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Contact Person: Department of agriculture
Address: Innova Reserach Centre Pvt Ltd Ochanthuruth, Kochi, 682508,india
City: cochin
Country: India
Zip/Pin Code: 682508

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