Kitozan Biofertilizer
We are five years experience to produce Kitozan which we helped people to save environment and produce organic friuts and vegetable to feed people. which Low cost and fast result. We had more than3 million user in Thailand.
Sector: Biotechnology
Country: Thailand
Area of Application: Biotechnology
Keywords: Kitozan
Advantages: It can use with any chemical and fertilizer. It can mix with water and feed for animal. It can change bad soil tobe good soil also.
Environmental aspects: Cleaner Production , Waste utilization, Energy efficiency , Systems integration , Not Applicable
Development Status: Fully Commercialized
Legal Protection: Trade Mark, Copyright
Technical specifications:  
Transfer Terms: Turnkey, Others
Target Countries: World Wide
Estimated cost (US$):  
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Contact Person: Aloe Life Co.,ltd Thailand
Address: 24/548 Vibhawadee Road Donmuang
City: Bangkok
Country: Thailand
Zip/Pin Code: 10210

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