Idea Generation in New Product Development
Market and Product Research for Idea Generation
Sector: Consultancy and Other Services
Country: Thailand
Area of Application: Program for Market and Product Reserch
Keywords: Market and Product Research
Advantages: 1. Decision Making 2. Cost Efficiency
Environmental aspects: Systems integration
Development Status: Idea , Design
Legal Protection: Just Start to Create Program
Technical specifications: 3 IT Staf 5 Computers 5 Survey Staff Lan Network Internet Server
Transfer Terms: Consultancy , Turnkey, Others
Target Countries: Thailand
Estimated cost (US$): 20000
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Contact Person: Center of Business Innovation NIDA
Address: 61/106 Taweemit 12 RamaIX Road Huaykwang Bangkok 10320
City: Bangkok
Country: Thailand
Zip/Pin Code: 10320

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