Low Cost Housing with Non-conventional Materials and Methods
We can offer consultancy in the usage of non-conventional materials and methods for building houses within a short period of time.
Sector: Construction
Country: India
Area of Application: Fast Construction, Waste utilization, Aesthetics,
Keywords: Perlite, no bonding between blocks, Utilities concealed, lightweight, strong, multi floors, energy efficience
Advantages: Saving of time and money, Fast construction, Usage of non-conventional materials and methods
Environmental aspects: Cleaner Production , Waste utilization, Energy efficiency
Development Status: Idea , Fully Commercialized
Legal Protection:  
Technical specifications:  
Transfer Terms: Consultancy
Target Countries:  
Estimated cost (US$):  
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Contact Person:  
Address: 12-13-830/8/101, Srinivasa Apts., Gokulnagar, St. no. 1, Tarnaka,
City: Secunderabad
Country: India
Zip/Pin Code: 500017

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