Zero Discharge Treatment of Sewage for Infrastructure Projects and Individual Households
We can offer technology for non conventional treatment of sewage for infrastructure projects and individual households. Waste water from Infrastructure projects will be collected and pre treated in the septic cum collection tank, before this novel treatment. Wastewater from the infrastructure projects are treated in short time to other processes.
Sector: Construction
Country: India
Area of Application: Waste management
Keywords: Elctric power, Short duration, Non biological, Near Zero Discharge
Advantages: Tertiary treated water quality achievable in 2 hrs Treated water can be used for Cooling Tower, Ttoilet flushing , Gardening, Green Belt Development etc. Its quality is well within the PCB prescribed standards for disposal
Environmental aspects: Cleaner Production , Waste utilization
Development Status: Fully Commercialized
Legal Protection:  
Technical specifications:  
Transfer Terms: Consultancy , Turnkey
Target Countries:  
Estimated cost (US$):  
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Contact Person:  
Address: 12-13-830/8/101, Srinivasa Apts., Gokulnagar, St. no. 1, Tarnaka,
City: Secunderabad
Country: India
Zip/Pin Code: 500017

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