Solid & LIquid biofertilizers - Azotobacter, Azospirillum, PSB, Rhizobium etc manufacturing method
We provide technical support in establishing the manufacturing units of the biofertilizers. The method is cost effective as compared to existing methods
Sector: Consultancy and Other Services
Country: India
Area of Application: Agriculture, Biotech, fertilizers, Microbiology
Keywords: LIquid biofertilizers - Azotobacter, Azospirillum, PSB, Rhizobium etc manufacturing
Advantages: The method is cost effective as compared to existing methods and technical support is provided by experienced professinals. We also provide marketing support
Environmental aspects: Chemical Free Products
Development Status: Fully Commercialized
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Technical specifications: The method is cost effective as compared to existing methods.
Transfer Terms: Consultancy , Joint Venture , Technical Services , Research Partnerships
Target Countries: World Wide
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Contact Person: ISHAN BIOTECH
Address: ISHAN BIOTECH, 45 - S, Adarshnagar, Kunaraghat, Gorakhpur 273008, U.P., India
City: Gorakhpur
Country: India
Zip/Pin Code: 273008

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