A Natural Preparation for the Relief of Anxiety
We offer a food supplement in the form of tablets that effectively relieves mild to moderate anxiety problems. The active ingredient is an herbal extract with a scientifically proven efficacy. The major advantages of the product are: efficient decrease of anxiety symptoms especially when this is precipitated by stress or excessive work load; rapid onset of action (1-2 days), no side effects, easy access and privacy. Product has already been launched on the American market. Receptivity towards such preparations is high according to large international surveys. We emphasize that there are a number of herbal anxiolytics on the market. However, only one of these may have constituted a real challenge to our product, namely kava kava (Piper misticum). This product was recently withdrawn from many markets due to its serious side effects. Our product can fill the gap created by the withdrawal of this product and may rapidly become a successful alternative being an absolutely safe product with no side effects at all.
Sector: Pharmaceuticals
Country: Hungary
Area of Application: Beneficiaries are those who suffer from mild to moderate levels of anxiety. Preclinical studies and experience with human subjects show that the product is especially suitable for those who develop anxiety states in response to daily stressors and excessive workload. This food supplement is also efficient in relieving anxieties precipitated by specific situations like examinations and public appearances. The benefits of our product are the following: • Efficient decrease of anxiety symptoms precipitated by unfavorable life events • Rapid onset of the beneficial effect (1-2 days) • No side effects. Especially, our product has no sedative side effects that limits the usefulness of other anxiolytic preparations • The food supplement status ensures easy access and respects privacy • Low cost compared with the cost of conventional medicines
Keywords: food supplement, natural medicine, anxiety, herbal extract
Advantages: The active principle of the preparation is a specific extract of Echinacea angustifolia. Recent studies suggested that this plant contains active principles that have beneficial effects on the brain mechanisms involved in the generation of anxiety. A two-year long research program confirmed anxiolytic efficacy but also showed that only a small fraction of available Echinacea preparations has anxiolytic effects of any kind. Based on very extensive R&D our research team identified this effective fraction of Echinaecia preparations. Moreover, a very strong anxiolytic potential is unique to the extract that constitutes the active principle of our preparation. The result of the referred R&D assures a privileged position for our product, potential competitors might come to the market with non-effective Echniaecia extracts lacking the background knowledge that we have. There are a number of herbal anxiolytics on the market. Our product has the following advantages over these: • Solid scientific background (lacking in the case of many competing preparations); • Low dose (many preparations with proven anxiolytic efficacy require very large, sometimes unrealistically high doses); • Non-sedative anxiolytic effect. We stress here that many herbal anxiolytics are marketed as having sedative effects despite the fact that sedation is an unwanted side effect of conventional anxiolytic medications. The only effective herbal anxiolytic on the market was kava kava (Piper mysticum). However, recent studies showed that this plant is hepatotoxic, and also has other major side effects, for which it was withdrawn from many markets. This created a hiatus on the market of herbal anxiolytics, which may be filled by our preparation. We note here that the side effect profile is excellent in the case of our product.
Environmental aspects: Not Applicable
Development Status: Fully Commercialized
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Transfer Terms: Equipment Supply
Target Countries: World Wide
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Contact Person: Laser Consult Ltd (Hungary)
Address: H-6701 PO Box 1191.
City: Szeged
Country: Hungary
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