Novel Transdermal Medical Gas Delivery Technology
Background information: The technology is capable of delivering all kinds of noble and medical gases through non-invasive means. The company’s first application of this technology is with CO2 gas. The physiological change with dry CO2 balneotherapy naturally occurs in the human body when CO2 is delivered into the microcirculation in the skin. In the blood stream CO2 enables hemoglobin in red blood cells to release more oxygen and automatically deliver the O2 to tissues where the body needs it. This well-known and studied naturally occurring process was discovered in 1908 by Christian Bohr (the father of the 1922 Nobel Prize winner quantum physicist Niels Bohr) and it is called the Bohr-effect. The delivery of medical gases is used for treating high blood pressure, non-healing wounds such as critical limb ischemia, and other arthritic and micro circulatory conditions. Innovation of the technology Core technology – a non-invasive trans-dermal medical gas delivery technology – developed by the company is not a single product, but rather a broad technology and business platform upon which several product lines, markets and business opportunities are being developed. In comparison with conventional balneotherapy, this is the only portable device on the market. Intellectual property status The core technology is PCT protected and in patent pending status in the US, Canada, the EU countries, Russia, Japan, China, Brazil, and Australia and developing products will be protected with additional design and utility patents. Type of collaboration sought The company is seeking candidates in the alternative medical and traditional medical device markets to license manufacturing and distribution rights of its products. The company is intending to license certain rights (manufacturing and/or distribution) to each geographic area on each target market segments. The company is also intending to retain the rights to continue research and development and develop new products for licensing.
Sector: Biotechnology
Country: Hungary
Area of Application: Global target markets: - Spas, skin care and wellness centers, bath houses, and alternative treatment centers, with limited therapeutic claims - Medical clinics, home healthcare service providers, nursing homes, elder care centers, retirement homes, etc., with targeted medical claims. - Mass end user market, targeted medical claims. - Sport centers, teams, sport medical centers and sports related service providers, with targeted medical claims. - Veterinary products, professional veterinary and home veterinary markets with targeted medical claims.
Keywords: gas delivery device, medical, non-invasive, microcirculation
Advantages: Main advantages The technology is completely mechanical and no electricity is needed for operation, has no moving parts and therefore requires almost no maintenance. The device provides treatment at the point of care (effected body parts) or full body treatment. It is small (size of a shoe box) and portable, completely safe and user friendly. It is fast, requiring only about 3 minutes for preparation for a first time user and 20 minutes for the treatment. Absolutely no training or special knowledge is needed to operate it. The technology has “instant” measurable health effects after the first treatment. It costs quarter of the price of rival technologies.
Environmental aspects: Not Applicable
Development Status: Commercial Prototype
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Transfer Terms: Technology Licensing , Research Partnerships
Target Countries: World Wide
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Contact Person: Laser Consult Ltd (Hungary)
Address: H-6701 PO Box 1191.
City: Szeged
Country: Hungary
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