New Design of Tyre by Möbius Strip
This idea is applying of Möbius strip on the tires that use in different kinds of vehicles. Tire is a ring but in this idea will change to the Möbius strip in the form of appendix: Möbius strip obtained from a papery strip at rectangular figure for example in dimensions of 1 x 10 inch ABCD: that turn this strip semi – rotary and stick end of each 2 other of that, as AB not repose on the CD but repose on the DC, This ring only has the one surface as if place a pencil on the one point of that and drawing a line and go front regularly, will reach to the same 1st point again. In second formula may be use from 2 Möbius strip as they stick each other from flank for producing of new tires now the tires are exist in market that may be say they are twin and a furrow is exist in middle of tire probably that tires are used in lorry and trailer. May be use from second formula by formats designed in picture that contorted places in Möbius strip are distinct by black solid circles. In this idea may be make a version of this tire & or designing by solid work & or catia and or other current software’s & related hardware’s used in tire manufacturing companies (if it possible) for evaluate and understand of twists & corners and other changes created in new tire and applying of them on the moulding of tire that in companies said are used from 2 mould with each other (probably are said negative moulds) for forming of tire with determined design. Produced in this idea in speeds of more often of 80 mph is agent of increase of speed of vehicles & in time of to brake in said speeds help to brake process that will be cause the vehicles faster be stop namely increase of safety of vehicles and persons into of vehicles. This idea probably only and only may be usable on the 3 categories under the following: 1) The vehicles that have ABS brake or latest version of new developed brake. 2) Tubeless tires. 3) Car racing The part of picture that distinct by cross mark is same of middle furrow in tire.
Sector: Automotive Components
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Area of Application: In production of tires & rubbers
Keywords: tires - Möbius strip - rubbers
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Transfer Terms: Joint Venture , Technology Licensing , Research Partnerships , Others , Assignment - Investment
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Address: molavi BLVD shahid kazem nasiri alley 1st northern floor no 13 & mob: 09127314267 (keyvan aghvami) & 09125319834 (kasra aghvami) & baghe family shahid seddighi st second floor po box 35146-17117
City: Semnan
Country: Iran
Zip/Pin Code: 35196-54891

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