Polyester Chip Plant - A Turnkey Project
Product Name: Polyester Polymerization Lines Product -Description: Polyester batch type, Polytex tech, Polytex Design, PTA or DMT based (Batch-poly) Polyester continuous polymerization, PTA base, Polytex Design (CP) Polyester Continuous-Batch type, Polytex tech, Polytex Design, PTA or DMT based (BCP). Contact Details: Polytex Chemical Engineering Co. Ltd. No. 317 Wenhuidong Rd. Yangzhou (jiangsu province) Yangzhou - 225009 China Tel: +865147859276, +865106586, +865106596 Fax: +865147857559 http://www.polytex.cc Email:[email protected] or [email protected]
Sector: Plastics
Country: China
Area of Application: POLYTEX is a professional engineering company. They undertake design, manufacture and contractors of turn-key polymerization & fiber lines.
Keywords: Polyester, Polymerization, Polytex
Environmental aspects:
Development Status: Design , Pilot Plant
Legal Protection: Trade Mark
Technical specifications:
Transfer Terms: Technology Licensing , Equipment Supply , Turnkey
Target Countries:
Estimated cost (US$):
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Contact Person: Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT)
Address: C-2, Qutab Institutional Area
City: New Delhi
Country: India
Zip/Pin Code: 110016