Finger Jointing and Woodworking
Indian consultancy company offers to arrange collaboration with a 20 year old, well established, ISO-9001 Swedish company part of US$ 35 million group. The Group consists of five companies and the product/project range handled by it includes manufacture of round wooden products (required for construction industry), saw mill, import and marketing of textile and home furnishings, leather shoes, and computer software development, etc. The Group also represents exclusive agencies for Sweden for world famous companies from Switzerland, Germany, Finland, USA, etc. The plant will manufacture high quality furniture pieces cutting away all defects, ready to use in furniture and construction industry. Finger jointed and plain construction pieces have very high demand in Scandinavia, Germany and Japan, etc. Every piece is ready to use in furniture production and also for finger jointed and planned pieces for construction purpose. The existing factory is a high capacity fully automatic factory. Most machineries are brand new to guarantee trouble free performance. The transporting conveyor belts and other related equipment are overhauled but in new condition. The factory will include the following sections: complete cutting and jointing line, complete splitting and planning line, complete tool sharpening and repair workshop, diesel power station, loading and forklifts, wood waste and saw dust transportation, etc. The Indian JV company will be ensured a minimum of 20 % profit on cost/manufacturing price after taking into account all overheads. Two senior engineers and eight technicians (mechanics) will be deputed by Swedish company for installation, trial and running and commencement of commercial production in India at its cost and expense for a period of 5 months. If the Indian company so desires, the engineers can stay beyond the 4 month period provided the Indian company pays for their boarding and lodging in India. Inspection of finished goods will be done in India as per SIS/DIN/JAS norms. The quantity of each dispatch to JV partner in Sweden could be 8 containers (40 ft consisting of 50 CBM each) after every 10 days of production. Swedish company will not participate or involve itself in any other JV project in India which will manufacture similar wood products. Repatriation of profits to the Swedish company will be strictly as per RBI rules. The Board of Directors of JV Company would consist of at least four Directors out of which one Director would be nominated by the Swedish company. CONTACT DETAILS: Mr. Surjeev Ghai - Vice President, Inifinitum Management Services Pvt. Ltd. Z-8, Ground Floor, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110 016. Tel: (91-11) 685 3325, 652 5201, 9811047530, Fax: (91-11) 652 5202, Email: [email protected]
Sector: Consultancy and Other Services
Country: India
Area of Application: Wood industry, woodworking
Keywords: wood, industry, woodworking, jointing
Environmental aspects:
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Transfer Terms: Joint Venture
Target Countries: India
Estimated cost (US$):
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Contact Person: APCTT (UNESCAP)
Address: Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT) C-2, Qutab Institutional Area
City: New Delhi
Country: India
Zip/Pin Code: 110016