Laser Waste Destruction and Co-generation of Power
German consulting firm offers to arrange the technology of Laser Waste Destruction and Co-Generation of Power from its United States (US) based client company. The US-based technology supplier company is a multi-faceted high-temperature materials processing, energy production and recycling company. It specializes in system design, manufacturing, management and operation of the company's proprietary Laser Waste Destruction System (LWD) which are used in processing both liquid and solid waste streams. The company's "Thermal Energy Production Systems" (TEP) incorporate the use of co-generation technology for the purpose of generating economic electric power on an environmentally friendly basis. Both systems have application designs which will accommodate the energy production and waste stream disposition needs of a small factory or a large municipal user. The company's focus is directed towards the skill of destruction of solid and/or liquid waste matter and converting by-product into a pyroclastic material without discharging pollutants into the atmosphere. Coherent and electromagnetic radiation emitted by a CO2 laser is used to break down the components of waste to a molecular level. Energy and additional coherent & electromagnetic radiation are derived in the process. The resulting pyroclastic material is of sufficient hardness to be used in forming tools or other products. It may also be used for manufacturing road bed materials and bricks. Performance and specifications: Normal capacity: 5 tons/h, Municipal Solid Wastes (actual findings on end specifications), 24 h/day, 7 days a week operation; Special capacity: range systems up to 2000 t/d; Location: usually stationary units, but also mobile on trucks; Weather rating: laser is controlled and maintained in environmentally clean atmosphere; all other portions of the process housed inside waste disposal building; Combustion: all combustion and exhaust meet or exceed accepted standards, including high temperature combustion, high pressure air mixtures, long term gas retention, waste process controls, waste handling and disposal; Power required: 250 kW/h; Electric generation: up to 50 MW/h depending on waste stream, steam generator and turbine; By-products: no ash, but carbon black and lava-like rock, both are consumable; Waste feed system: automatic with manual override; Hydraulic unit: 30 hp; Gas cooling: steam generation tailored to specific design, once-through tube equipment meets or exceeds standards; Emission control: conditioning tower not required. CONTACT DETAILS: Mr. Peter Seroka PGS Peter G Seroka & Partners, Sandweg 53, D-60316 Frankfurt, Germany. Tel: (49-69) 495 151; Fax: (49-69) 497 0942; Email: [email protected]
Sector: Power
Country: India
Area of Application: Waste treatment, waste utilization: processing of solid wastes and liquid wastes from medium and large factories; hospital wastes, waste from markets/supermarkets; municipal wastes; sludge processing.
Keywords: laser, waste, power
Advantages: There is no alternative waste disposal or energy production option available today that has better overall characteristics including cost, performance, operation, safety and environmental cleanliness; Cleaner production: the system has considerable environmental advantages compared with incinerators; Zero NOx-Zero dioxine emissions; Complete destruction of waste; Zero bottom ash; Metals are turned into useful by-products; Energy from wastes: the electricity produced is used to power the processing plant and excess energy is sold to local power companies at fair market rates. Co-generation reduces operating costs and makes the system a profit-centre; Heat is recovered to power co-generation plant 5-50 MW; Flexible size and configuration; Both stationary installation and mobile units are available; Automatic control and continuous monitoring; Easy maintenance; Low manpower required; Prefabricated and easily installed everywhere; Low capital investment; Low operating costs; Turn-key financing/installation/operation.
Environmental aspects: Waste utilization
Development Status: Fully Commercialized
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Technical specifications: Project cost, depending on configuration ranges varies from US$ 8.4 million to US$ 25.2 million
Transfer Terms: Joint Venture , Technology Licensing , Equipment Supply
Target Countries: India, Korea, Democratic People's Republic Of, Kuwait, Malaysia, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, United Arab Emirates
Estimated cost (US$):  
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Contact Person: APCTT (UNESCAP)
Address: Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT) C-2, Qutab Institutional Area
City: New Delhi
Country: India
Zip/Pin Code: 110016

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