Bio-coal, Bio-oil and Bio-gas from Biomass
A Swiss-German company is offering the technology for converting biomass into: bio-coal and charcoal for industrial use and for heating and cooking; combustible bio-oil; electricity from gas; heat. The major components of the technology are: carbonizing plant with conveying, filling and reactor systems; bio-oil/gas separator; electricity and heat generation system; briquette plant with packaging units. The "BASA" system offered by the company uses a paralysis process in which the energy is supplied by the combustion of carefully dosed paralysis gas. This combustion is obtained by admission of air into the converter. The details of the installations are as follows: Preparation of the raw material: When necessary, chipping and pre-drying (using energy available from the installation); Carbonization: Introduction of the raw material into the conversion carbonization, extraction of the charcoal and gas; Treatment of the gas: Extraction of the oil and purification of the gas (in the case of current production by gas motor); Aspiration turbine and system of regulation of air inflow; Installation for combustion of gas (+ the pyrolyneous condensate in the case of gas purification); Treatment and stockade of charcoal and oil. One of the main advantages of the industrial carbonization process "BASA" is optimal recuperation of the energy contained in the biomass. It also has also the advantage of being applicable to most wastes of vegetal origin. It concentrates, by transformation, the energy contained in the biomass or the waste into common combustibles which can be easily stocked and transported (charcoal, oil). Three combustibles of high calorific value which could be easily stored and handled (with the exception of the gas which must be consumed immediately on site but which represents only 20% of the biomass energy) are obtained by the BASA process. The carbonization procedure concentrates 80 % to 90% of the biomass energy of the raw materials (wastes) into the following combustibles: solid (charcoal); liquid (combustible paralysis oil); gas (heating gas). The following energy rendement is obtained: 43 to 52 % charcoal; 15 to 25% oil; 18 to 25% gas. As an example the energy yield of carbonization of beechwood is given below: Entry: Calorific energy of raw material - 760,380 Kcal; End product: Calorific energy of the charcoal - 365,787 Kcal; Calorific energy of the oil - 138,404 Kcal; Calorific energy of the gas - 154,727 Kcal; Total - 658,918 Kcal. Thus 85% of the initial energy value of the biomass is obtained. CONTACT DETAILS: Mr. Peter Seroka - PGS Peter G Seroka & Partners. Sandweg 53, D-60316 Frankfurt, Germany. Phone: (49-69) 495 151; Fax: (49-69) 497 0942; E-mail: [email protected]
Sector: Energy
Country: India
Area of Application: Very big demand is in sugar industry and other agro industries. Products find applications in the following sectors: Bio-coal: activated carbon for industry, charcoal for heating and cooking; Bio-oil: industrial use; Electricity: own in-plant use (drying, briquetting), industry, public grids. The detailed uses of products resulting from the BASA process is as follows: Charcoal: The mass produced represents 28 to 32 % of the weight of treated wastes. In the fine form, it is used to generate heat for metallurgical purposes, and in the chemical industry for the production of activated charcoal. In briquetted form it finds use in the leisure area (barbecues) and for domestic cooking. It is also an ideal feedstock for gas generators (electric); Pyrolysis oil: The mass produced is between 8 to 13 % by weight. It provides a substitute for heavy fuel oil - 1 kg of paralysis oil is equivalent to 0.6 kg of imported heavy oil. Paralysis oil is also employed as raw material in the chemical industry (acids, alcohols etc); Gas: Gas can be used in combustion chamber which fuels heating installations. After purification and cooling, it can be used to fuel a combustion engine.
Keywords: bio, coal, oil, gas, biomass, convertion, combustible, energy
Advantages: Completely independent system needs no external energy; Technically secure, economically profitable and environmentally safe system; Non-conventional products from biomass which can be easily marketed. Can be supported by major public institutions.
Environmental aspects: Cleaner Production , Waste utilization, Energy efficiency
Development Status: Commercial Prototype
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Technical specifications: 2 TPH (installed in Spain) - Processing capacity of a small plant is appr. 20,000 tons of biomass (15% humidity) per year. Output of a small plant: 6,000 TPA of charcoal briquettes; 1,000 TPA of bio-o
Transfer Terms: Equipment Supply , Turnkey
Target Countries: World Wide
Estimated cost (US$):
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