Dehydrated Fruits by Freeze Drying Technique (Thailand)
Thai government organisation offers technology for fruit dehydration by freeze drying technique. Freeze drying is a process in which water in the sample is frozen at very low temperature (between -20°C and -40°C) and then sublimed under vacuum and low temperature (below -50°C). This technique was applied to produce various kinds of dehydrated fruits, namely jack fruit, rambutan, lychee, longan and durian. To stop the enzymatic reaction, the fruits are initially dripped in the solution of 0.1-0.2% sodium metabisulphite and 0.1% citric acid for 30 minutes. Some types of fruits may also require to go through a blanching process. Then fruits are dried in a freeze dryer under appropriate conditions i.e. temperature, pressure, and time. FInal products produced by this technique are porous and light with reminiscent flavour. They have appearance similar to fresh fruits, especially after reconstitution. Mrs. Suchin Srikongsri Biological Science Division Department of Science Service Rama VI Road, Ratchathewi District Bangkok 10400 Tel: +(622) 2458993 Fax: +(622) 2458993 E-mail: [email protected]
Sector: Food Processing
Country: India
Area of Application: Dehydration of various types of fruits. In addition to the fruits listed above, the technique can be applied to other fruits as well by applying specific conditions to different fruits.
Keywords: Food Processing
Advantages: The advantage of freeze drying technique compared to other drying techniques are: good physical appearance chemical stability biological activity product recovery and reproducibility
Environmental aspects:
Development Status: Commercial Prototype
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Transfer Terms: Consultancy , Others
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City: New Delhi
Country: India
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