Waste Plastics into Industrial Fuel
We offer plants for converting non-recyclable waste plastics into industrial fuel. Fuel quality far superior to the conventional industrial fuels such as furnace oil or light diesel oil. ALL types of plastics can be processed. We can also supply technology. Serious customers can get their waste plastics tested on our Demo Plant. Plants as small as 1 TPD of plastics up to 30 TPD can be supplied. Plants custom made to specific requirements. Municipal bodies, industries involved in generation of non-recyclable plastic scrap, plastic scrap dealers who have access of non-recyclable cheap plastic scrap, entreprenuers most welcome.
Sector: Plastics
Country: India
Area of Application: Converting waste plastics (non-recyclable cheap plastic scrap) into industrial fuel.
Keywords: plastic scrap, waste plastic, plastic to fuel, Atharva ProcTek
Advantages: Disposal of non-recyclable waste plastics keeps environment clean, gets excellent monetary returns, for the industries that have their own plastic scrap generation can generate fuel at a very low price.
Environmental aspects: Cleaner Production , Waste utilization, Energy efficiency , Systems integration
Development Status: Pilot Plant, Commercial Prototype
Legal Protection: Trade Mark, Patent
Technical specifications: Plants having capacity as low as 1 TPD of plastics offered. No upper limit on higher capacities. Please refer to our website www.aproctek.com for more details or contact us at [email protected].
Transfer Terms: Consultancy , Joint Venture , Technology Licensing , Turnkey
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Contact Person: Atharva ProcTek
Address: Pune - India
City: Pune
Country: India
Zip/Pin Code: 411052

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