Bicycle-powered Portable Water Filter System
Researchers at the The Nanyang Technological University's (NTU) institute of environmental science and engineering have developed a portable water filtration system, powered by bicycle that can be used in disaster zones. It consists of a bicycle coupled with a mechanical pump and a membrane module to filter the water. Larger pores in the previous membranes meant that some bacteria and viruses still passed through, he said. Chlorine tablets had to be added to make the water drinkable without boiling. The new pedal-powered system uses finer membranes to filter the water so it can be drunk straight from the tap. It takes just five minutes to disassemble the unit and transport it to another area. For more information, contact: Institute of Environmental Science and Engineering Nanyang Technological University Innovation Centre, Block 2, Unit 237 18 Nanyang Drive Singapore-637723 Tel: +65 6794 1500 Fax: +65 6792 1291 E-mail: [email protected] Business Development Telefax: (65) 6794 3747 E-mail: [email protected]
Sector: Disaster Management and Mitigation
Country: India
Area of Application: Water Sanitation, Disaster Management
Keywords: portable, water flitration, bicycle-powered
Advantages: 1. It is portable and can be transported easily 2. The new pedal-powered system uses finer membranes to filter the water so it can be drunk straight from the tap
Environmental aspects: Not Applicable
Development Status: Fully Commercialized
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Transfer Terms: Consultancy , Technical Services , Equipment Supply
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