Manufacturing Flexible Solar Cells
The University of Delaware's Institute of Energy Conversion (IEC), USA has developed new technology for the manufacture of flexible solar cells, which could reduce the costs associated with the use of photovoltaic energy while at the same time expanding possible applications. The system, in which there has been commercial interest, enables the more efficient manufacture of the flexible solar cells in long sheets using roll-to-roll reactors, much like newsprint speeding through a press. It also provides for lightweight and flexible solar cell panels that could find interest in the space, military and recreational markets. For standard applications, the solar cells can also be encapsulated into a more traditional rigid structure. By being flexible, the solar cells can conform to different surfaces. The solar cell sheets are created by depositing copper-indium-gallium-diselinide, which the IEC scientists call CIGS, on a 10-inch wide polymer web, which is then processed into the flexible solar cells. CIGS solar cells are currently the only thin-film technology that has achieved efficiencies comparable to silicon solar cells, presently the standard of the industry. For more information, contact: Ms.Paula Newton, Assistant to the Director, Institute of Energy Conversion, University of Delaware, Newark DE 19706 USA. E-mail: [email protected]
Sector: Renewable Energy Technologies
Country: India
Area of Application: Photovoltaics, Renewable Energy
Keywords: Solar Cells, Flexible solar cells, Thin films
Advantages: 1. The system allows extremely high production throughputs, thus reducing manufacturing costs.
Environmental aspects: Energy efficiency
Development Status: Commercial Prototype
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