Cold Grinding of Spices
A Poland based company is manufacturing dehydrated vegetables, seasonings, mixtures for meat industry. They are looking for suppliers of machinery for cold grinding of spices. Contact Details: Magdalena Gasior Foreign Trade Specialist,VITPOL Poland Tel. +48 62 75 21 124 Fax +48 62 75 21 105 E-mail: [email protected]
Sector: Machinery & Equipment
Country: India
Area of Application: Food Processing Industry
Keywords: Cold grinding, spices
Transfer Terms:
Project Type: Start Up
Target Countries:
Estimated cost (US$):
Assistance From Partner:
Additional Information:
Contact Person: UNESCAP-APCTT
Address: C-2, Qutab Instituational Area
City: New Delhi
Country: India
Zip/Pin Code: 110016