Mini Hydro
Description of technology
What it is?
It is a proven Renewable Energy Technology used for producing electricty.
How does it work?
Kinetic energy of water is turned into mechanical energy by turbines which in turned is converted into electrical energy by a genereator.
Where it can be used?
High and medium altitude hills, rivers and streams, for supplying electricty to isolated settlements or for connection to the grid.
What expertise is required operating and maintaining?
• A trained operator for operating mechanical and electrical equipments.
• A manager for the overall management of the project e.g tariff collection, coordination with installer companies in case of breakdowns etc
It is a proven Renewable Energy Technology used for producing electricty.
How does it work?
Kinetic energy of water is turned into mechanical energy by turbines which in turned is converted into electrical energy by a genereator.
Where it can be used?
High and medium altitude hills, rivers and streams, for supplying electricty to isolated settlements or for connection to the grid.
What expertise is required operating and maintaining?
• A trained operator for operating mechanical and electrical equipments.
• A manager for the overall management of the project e.g tariff collection, coordination with installer companies in case of breakdowns etc
Specific Features
Rural households generally use kerosene, and diesel for lighting, therefore availability of Micro Hydro plants replaces kerosene and diesel
Keywords (maximum 5)
Turbine, Headrace canal, Power house,community
Status of Technology
Fully Commercialized
Labour: Participation from all electrified households Gender related: Equal participation of male and female in the construction of Micro Hydro. Environmental: Replacement of diesel/kerosene.
Areas of application/Business opportunities
Household level • Househlod electrification, TV, mobile charging. Business level • Running enterprises like saw mill, agroprocessing, metal workshops etc.
List of components used
Turbine, generator, Electric Load controllers, ACSR conductors, metal/wooden poles, penstock pipes, desilting basin, Forebay, Canal, Weir on river/streams.
Legal protection
Name of the component
NonTurbine, Generator
Various suppliers in nepal
Capacity/Wattage (W)
1kW to 100kW
Voltage input (V)
Different Ranges
Current consumed (A)
Different Ranges
Efficiency (%)
Turbine - 70%
Name of the organization
Alternative Energy Promotion Centre
Address/Zip code
PO Box: 14364, Kathmandu Khumaltar Height, Lalitpur, Nepal
+977-1-5539390, 5539391 Fax: +977-1-5542397