Science Technology and Innovation (STI) collaboration in the Asia and the Pacific Region is aimed at developing and diffusing STI in strengthening its economic competitiveness, and therefore promotion of innovation in the region becomes a necessity. For this purpose concerted efforts focusing on three key activities need to be undertaken, namely: (a) facilitation the flow of technology and innovation information from various sources within the Asia-Pacific region and also from outside of the region; (b) intermediation of innovation amongst its Member States so as to increase its exchange and adoption; and (c) exchange of knowledge, good practices, and experiences in converting STI into competitive business through startups and/or existing established firms. Towards achieving these objectives, APCTT is jointly organizing an Innovation Summit & International Conference on Technology Transfer and Internationalization of Technology-based Businesses in partnership with Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA), and Japan ASEAN Science Technology and Innovation Platform (JASTIP) during 1-2 November 2018 in Tangerang, Indonesia. The conference is envisaged to facilitate deliberations on the challenges and opportunities for technology transfer and internationalization of technology-based SMEs and startups for countries in the Asia Pacific region. The deliberations are expected to recommend policy options and strategies to promote technology transfer and internationalization of technology-based SMEs and startups; and also help participating member States to explore opportunities for regional cooperation to facilitate cross-border technology transfer and business partnerships.